FATXplorer v2.5 released!
December 27, 2012
by Eaton
After a little more than a year in development, I am ready to finally release another large update for FATXplorer. v2.0 was a great release, but I think this will be the most popular release yet.
Anticipation has been very high for this version. With larger USB sizes having been craved for years [...]
2.5 being released this week!
December 16, 2012
by Eaton
UPDATE: Release will be next week due to holiday time constraints. FATXplorer is pretty much done though, all that’s left is the website info update!
If everything goes according to plan, you can expect v2.5 to be officially released some day this week. Over the next few days the contents of the [...]
New KB article: Deleted Data Recovery
December 12, 2012
by Eaton
Spent a few hours on this one today. Some may find it confusing, but it has a lot of great information that can help those with data recovery questions. It’s not 100% final yet, check it every few days for updates!
Click here to check it out.
FATXplorer has reached near-gold status!
December 4, 2012
by Eaton
I have run of of things to add to the v2.5 release – which is a good thing! Once that was achieved in v2.0, it was officially released soon after. v2.5 has now reached that milestone as well.
FATXplorer v2.5 is my most ambitious project yet and brings so much to the table that the community is [...]
First update to Beta 3 coming this weekend
November 29, 2012
by Eaton
UPDATE: Delayed (waiting for a driver bugfix)
Just a heads up, all customers will be getting an email soon containing a notification of an updated beta download. It fixes several issues reported by customers and contains a major driver enhancement.
This update will not be detected by FATXplorer’s [...]
3 years strong
November 25, 2012
by Eaton
As of a few moments ago, FATXplorer has reached its 3rd birthday. I look back to the very first version and see how much the program has evolved since then. I wasn’t expecting to still be working on the project, but it has been a great learning experience and has taught me a lot about customer [...]
FATXplorer v2.5 Beta complete, preparing emails and such
November 20, 2012
by Eaton
Work on the last beta has finally concluded. The only thing missing is the Recovery View, but that will come before the final release.
Emails will be sent out at some point today. Keep an eye on your inbox!
Update: Sent!
New formatter: IMU
November 15, 2012
by Eaton
As of now, FATXplorer has a formatter for IMU devices (internal memory units). A select few may find this useful if they mod their IMU to something larger and want to use FATXplorer to format it with a custom cluster size and such.
The IMU formatter will be available starting in v2.5 beta 3.
Beta nearly ready, final tests in progress
November 6, 2012
by Eaton
A lot of bugs have slowly been ironed out over the past few weeks. Everything is working really well and is running stable.
The final part of testing is triple checking the new writing code. Windows Integration opened up a lot of room for error and it is essential that I test it under various [...]
New dashboard brings increased USB storage size
October 22, 2012
by Eaton
The fall dashboard (16197) that is currently rolling out will allow USB devices to be formatted to use up to 32 GB instead of the previous limit of 16. The current version of FATXplorer should not have any problems handling the new sizes. If you run into any problems, feel free to leave a comment [...]