6/1 Update: Beta 2 distributed – customers, check your email!

June is going to be a very busy month for me. Graduation is on the 31st of May and that is immediately followed by a trip with friends, and then an overseas trip with family. It is unlikely that I will be able to work on this during these trips, so you won’t really see much progress until July, when I have all of my free time back.

Good news is that the current build is very stable and has pretty much reached the Beta 2 stage. Since I am supporting more devices now, I have to review the formatting tools and partition tools. Both of which will require many days of effort, which I doubt I will complete before the trips start.

Beta 2 will soon be distributed to all customers. A lot of changes have been made based on feedback from Beta 1. Feedback from Beta 2 will be used to shape the final, publicly distributed version.

Once work on the actual application is done, many changes are planned for the site and server configuration. Nothing too major, but these security and usability improvements are long overdue.

If you are a customer, check your email soon for a Beta 2 release message. Please make sure to try it out and give me feedback!