I’ve made some great progress on the device form so far.

This is what is working:

-Address bars. If a valid path is entered, it will take you there.

-Change icon size menus. You can change the size of the nodes if you don’t like them being to small or too big.

-Up Directory button. (Next to address bar) Will bump you up one directory.

-PC Tree. Loads files and folders and diplays tooltips with additional info on the files and folders.

-FATX Tree. Loads files and folders, displays tooltips like the PC Tree, AND displays some simple STFS metadata.

This is what is being worked on:

-Drag and drop system between both trees.

-Other tweaks and enhancements.


Both trees loaded and STFS tooltip:


The icon sizes. 256×256 is available, but is too big to be displayed. It can be seen by hovering over the arrow at the bottom of the menu.


The icon sizes changed and another tooltip:


If you have any suggestions for the form, comment!